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The ultimate guide in building a business that can run without you

Be honest with yourself….

Do you work for your business, or does your business work for you?

“I don’t know, Sneha.”

If you’re not sure then ask yourself this:

If I decided to step away from my business for a day, a week or even a month with little to no involvement…what would happen?

Would your business still flourish and grow?

Could it survive?

Or would it just grind to a halt?

You see, if your business can’t run without you - if you can’t safely leave your business for a few weeks - then you don’t really have a business… you have a glorified job with overheads!

You have built a machine that depends on you and now you’re stuck.

It’s time to break free.

Sneha Morjaria, Podcast management services

It’s time to create a business that:

“Sneha! Where do I start? How do I even go about creating this type of business? Will this work for my business?”

This completely free guide has you covered.

Spoiler – Contains the EXACT steps you need to take so that you can truly create a business that is no longer dependent on you!

Meet the founder

I’m Sneha, founder and CEO of The Growth Chain.

In just 3 years myself and my team have supported hundreds of business owners to build businesses that run like a well oiled machine, increased the valuation of businesses and helped several CEOs sell their businesses for millions!

But it didn’t start here. Before I helped purpose-led entrepreneurs to reclaim their lives and their livelihoods, I was overworked, overwhelmed and burnt out in the corporate world auditing national and global businesses such as Google, Next Plc, Apple.

Mash those 15 years of experience together and you’ll find me here – supporting you to get out from your business and build an asset, a legacy of your own. 

Border Charcoal The Growth Chain
Sneha Morjaria, Fractional COO and online business manager